Samsung says that it has dealt with 26 such reports from alleged Galaxy Note7 owners, and that in 12 cases it has been unable to find an issue with those devices. What about the rest of the claims?
Well, in half of the remaining reports it could not get hold of the consumer making that claim while in the other seven the consumer either canceled their report or claimed that they have thrown their Galaxy Note7 away.
It could be argued that some of those reports are legitimate, but quite possibly we are simply looking at folks wanting to get a replacement Galaxy Note7 and keep their first unit too or folks who did not purchase one but want to take advantage of the situation to get a free Galaxy Note7.
The country with the most such cases is US, where Samsung has received nine false reports. Three false reports were in South Korea, and two in France. Samsung has received singular reports in Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Iraq, Lebanon, Philippines, Romania, Singapore, Turkey, UAE, UK, and Vietnam.
The alleged user in Canada apparently reused a photo of a Galaxy Note7 exploding found on the Internet. The consumer in Singapore claims to have thrown their Galaxy Note7 out of their car when it allegedly caught fire. Samsung has been unable to reach the alleged Galaxy Note7 user in its home country who claimed on the Internet that their smartphone caught fire.
No doubt, we will learn of more reports of exploding Galaxy Note7 units until things settle down, but it would be wise to take them with a grain of salt. Knowing how many units Samsung has sold (that number is thought to be over one million devices in the US alone), the number of units that are believed to have caught fire is extremely small in the grand scheme of things.
~ Mihăiță Bamburic
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