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Major university goes all-in on iPad Pro -- shuns Microsoft Surface

The original iPad is one of the most disruptive products in the history of personal computing. Its popularity caused the entire industry to shift -- it made Microsoft go bonkers with Windows 8 (retrofitting a touch UI to a mouse and keyboard OS), while countless manufacturers tried to copy it with Android. Yes, many have tried to duplicate the magic, but ultimately, nothing has ever truly matched it.

The iPad Pro, however, has not seen the same consumer interest, and for good reason -- its not intended for personal use (although it can be). Actually, the "Pro" moniker seems to be quite intentional; it is more appropriate for things such as business and education. Speaking of the latter, today, Lynn University announces that it is giving an iPad Pro to all undergraduate students and some members of faculty. Unfortunately for Microsoft, its Surface line was not chosen.

"iPad Pro also supports Lynn's ongoing efforts to create a more affordable education, eliminating personal computer costs and saving students money through apps and e-books that are more cost-effective, timely and relevant than  traditional textbooks and support materials. iPad Pro provides even greater flexibility, too. Whether studying aviation, design or music, students now can use one device for writing papers, taking notes with Apple Pencil, creating videos that demonstrate learning, completing in-depth projects outside the classroom and much more", says Lynn University.

Chris Boniforti, Chief Information Officer, Lynn University explains, "iPad Pro, its accessories and the next generation of education-focused apps will make learning even more relevant to the world students live in. This immersive, versatile technology also provides access to top-notch content and can replace bulky desktop devices to save space and allow Lynn to convert computer labs into interactive, mobile workspaces -- places that inspire creativity and foster collaboration".

Not only will students and staff get the iPad Pro, but the Apple Pencil and Smart Keyboard too. This will make the large tablet a great solution for typing notes, making annotations, and creative drawing too.

Quite frankly, this sounds like the perfect college machine. After all, iOS has access to many wonderful productivity apps, such as Microsoft Office, Dropbox, Notability, and more. No to mention, when a student wants to relax, there are tons of quality iOS games.

Could the Surface be a better choice? It depends. While Microsoft's solution can arguably do more as it runs a desktop operating system, it also comes with baggage, such as malware, and potentially higher deployment and maintenance costs. In the Enterprise, yeah, the Surface is probably the better choice. At a university, however, the iPad Pro is a seemingly better fit -- well done, Lynn University.

~ Brian Fagioli

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