The holy grail for many Linux users -- besides building their own computer -- is to get a desktop or laptop that comes pre-loaded with a Linux-based operating system. One of the most popular such manufacturers, System76, sells computers pre-loaded with Ubuntu, including a lifetime of telephone tech support. Obviously the company has accumulated many fans over the years, so this past Thursday and Friday, it held its first-ever superfan event. Fans were flown to its Denver headquarters. I was honored to be given the opportunity to cover it.
So, how did the company choose which fans to fly to its headquarters? It leveraged social media to ask followers to submit anything showing that they are a superfan. The rules were quite loose -- you could pretty much submit anything. System76 shares the full list of the winners and their winning submissions below.
These submissions largely shared a common trend -- making and creating. System76 isn't just selling computers, but striving to inspire those that buy them to do things with them. I know, it sounds like marketing-speak, but there is sincerity in the mission.
- Nathaniel Webb: Created a System76 app just for the contest
- Anthony Kiniyalocts: Worked w/ Nathaniel building the app, but also created an awesome iron-looking System76 logo in GIMP and Inkscape
- Kevin Kane: Designed an online game on his machine, and had a ton of engagement on his post, including friends that rallied for him to win.
- Helena Bales: Sent a story about how she uses Ubuntu for 3D modeling, hacking raspberry pi and building a reforestation drone and its website with very little sleep.
- Ryan Sipes: Coded Mycroft, an AI device on a system76 machine
- Steven Tompkins: Made a spoof meme
- Gardiner Moody: Made an animated logo gif just for the contest
- Nathan Dyer: Wrote an essay about how he's followed the company since he was a teenager. Now 7 years later, he will meet the team.
When you buy one of its machines, it ships in a boring box -- on the outside, at least. Inside, however, the packaging is decorated with doodles that show art and creativity. There is symbolism here. A computer on its own is just a tool. It is what you create with it that makes it exciting. True, many of us hardware nerds geek out about the actual tool too!
The company is headquartered in Denver and I am a Long Island guy. This meant taking quite the long trip to attend a short two-day fan event. I am scared of flying -- turbulence, actually -- so I normally wouldn't travel so far for such a short stay. However, as a Linux fan and user, visiting the System76 office was just too cool to pass on.
Luckily, once at the Colorado office, the long flight -- full of me praying to God every time the plane shook -- proved to be worthwhile. The office itself is hidden in a building that highlights the business diversity of Denver -- it is two floors above a Barbershop and Sushi restaurant. Certainly not a sprawling campus like with Apple, Microsoft, HP or the like.
While I do not drink beer, the System76 employees do -- occasionally while working -- but not constantly. No, they are not getting drunk, but instead, relaxing with craft offerings as they collaborate and ponder the future of computing, Linux and open source. It is sophisticated and trendy. This is a reflection of Denver, as craft beer seems to be a big staple of the culture.
As cool as it was to take in the visuals myself, it was much cooler to watch the contest winners experience it. I imagine it is the same look that children get when entering Disney World for the first time -- wide eyes and big smiles. It was truly an emotional experience for the superfans and I could tell that the System76 employees were touched by that.
To the left of that was a really cool open source project involving sand and a -- gasp -- Microsoft product. System76 has a sandbox on a table, full of sand. Above it, suspended from the ceiling, a Microsoft Kinect camera is pointed at the sand and connected to a laptop running Ubuntu. Also connected to the laptop is a traditional projector, which is projecting onto the sand from above. The Kinect sensor measures the height of the sand, while the projector projects topographical colors onto it. The "valleys" can even be filled with water when it "rains". Your hands become the rain clouds. It is pretty incredible. You can see the video above to learn more.
Next up, we were treated to another open source project. The System76 team connected an Arduino board to a Ubuntu laptop. The board was then wired with EKG contacts. They had us connect one cable to each arm, and one cable to our ankle. We were then asked a series of questions to determine if we were humans or not.
I am not sure the science behind it is particularly sound, but it was certainly interesting to be asked morality questions, such as if we would help a distressed animal, or funny questions such as if coffee makes us poop (for me, it does). Based on the spikes on the EKG monitor, it could be determined if we were lying or being truthful. About half of us, including me, were deemed to be humans. Comically, being a group of proud Linux nerds, we were sad not to make the cyborg group!
Overall, System76's event was a smashing success -- the company gained some valuable insight from some of its most loyal customers, while the superfans got to experience something unique -- something they will cherish forever. It is similar to finding the golden ticket in Willy Wonka, but rather than a chocolate factory, it was an Ubuntu computer manufacturer's office. Am I suggesting that Carl Richell is like Mr. Wonka, and his staff is like Oompa Loompas? Sure, why not! For the Superfans, their hospitality was extra sweet.
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