Over the weekend, screenshots from a couple of new builds were leaked online by the renowned Wzor. First of all we were treated to a glimpse of build 10014, and shortly afterwards images of Windows 10 Professional Technical Preview Build 10022 appeared. Another revelation is a set of release note relating to build 10014. So what do we have to look forward to?
The leaked versions are Russian -- as is so often the case -- and it seems that not a great deal has changed since build 9926. Wzor is a trusted leaker of Windows builds, and the screenshots appear to indicate that the changes in these most recent builds are largely under the hood; there are few discernible visual differences. What is particularly interesting is that the build 10022 leak comes from the fbl_impressive branch of releases, meaning that this is very likely to be the next publicly released preview build.
On Twitter, Wzor introduced the screenshots as being from a "localized Russian version of Windows Professional 10 TP Build 10022.0.150216-2206".
- In File Explorer, a maximum of four items can be displayed in frequent folders.
- If OneDrive is set as the default save location, Documents and Pictures will be remapped to the OneDrive versions of these folders.
It's not clear if these will have been ironed out in the move from build 10014 to 10022, but it shouldn't be too long until we get to see for ourselves.
Photo credit: Wzor
~ Mark Wilson
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