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Windows 10 will "run on everything", says CEO Satya Nadella

For Microsoft, Windows 10 is a very important step in realizing their next-generation vision for their operating systems. We've already heard how the Windows 10 core will be one and the same across Windows Phone, Windows RT and x86-based Windows (all of which will be branded as Windows 10), and the upcoming revamp of the Xbox OS.
Speaking at the Gartner Symposium ITxpo, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella has reinforced the company's strategy for the next-generation of Windows, stating that "it can run on everything". Crucially, this includes Internet of Things (IoT) devices, which is shaping up to be a major platform in years to come.
Nadella believes that Windows 10 will be a fantastic operating system to run on IoT systems, as it's both manageable and secure. "It's the first step in a new generation of Windows as opposed to just another release after Windows 8."
Nadella didn't just talk about Microsoft's strategy for IoT; he hinted that we might see a revised licensing scheme for Windows 10. Microsoft has been looking at simplifying the way Windows is licensed, and will perhaps follow in the footsteps of Office 365, providing several options that focus on the user, not devices. This would allow customers to install Windows on a number of their devices with the one license, depending on the package purchased.
The cloud was also emphasized as part of Nadella's talk. Azure is an important part of Microsoft's services portfolio, and the company is planning to reveal more about the future of it on October 20th. However, despite the strengths of Azure, Nadella believes that the Office API is the most strategic in the company, which intertwines with their cloud services and has led to "billions of identity transactions in Azure Active Directory".
If Microsoft can execute well with all of these products, including Windows 10, 2015 could be the year we finally see their true 'one platform' vision in action.
~ Tim Schiesser

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