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The fat lady sings for Microsoft, thanks to Google Apps

The office suite battle is really starting to heat up. Last week, Microsoft released Word, Excel and PowerPoint for the iPad, signaling a sea change in the company's focus. However, Google is still pushing forward with its attempt to sway users with its web apps. While both are good, no one can deny that Microsoft's offers more features.
With that said, more features does not always equate to better. In other words, if Google's offering meets a user's or business' needs, then it may be more cost effective. Quite frankly, too many features can be seen as noise when unused. One such company, the Glyndebourne opera house, switched from Microsoft to Google with great results.
"Before going Google last autumn, we relied on a traditional Microsoft Office, Sharepoint and Exchange infrastructure. This setup required dedicated Windows computers to access all our files on various hard drives and servers, sometimes through complex remote connection processes. It was difficult, stage hands could not always access their email, schedules or documents and often had to use pen and paper to create notes after performance" says, Richard Wells, Head of Information Technology at Glyndebourne.
Wells further explains, "with Google giving us email, collaboration, business workflows and our storage needs in the cloud, the IT department has far fewer worries. Staff now spend their time on more meaningful jobs like creating high-quality recordings of our performances and improving our digital presences such as the Glyndebourne YouTube channel. Employees have seen an increase in their ability to focus on our core objective: creating world-class opera. Google Apps helps us bridge the creative and operational sides of the company. This allows us to work from anywhere, anytime so the show goes off without a hitch every night".
Yes, the fat lady sings for Microsoft at this opera house. However, it is important to remember that while Google Apps meets the needs for this company, it does not mean that all entities can successfully switch. Quite frankly, Microsoft Office is still more powerful and larger businesses would likely benefit more from it. Still, these stories of switching to Google are becoming more frequent, so Microsoft had better pay attention.
What do you think? Tell me in the comments.

~ Brian Fagioli

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