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Samsung introduces Chromebook 2 laptops with Galaxy Note 3 stitched design

Summary: The two new notebooks will be released in April with Exynos 5 Octa processors and sub-$400 price tags.

Yesterday's leaks of new Samsung Chromebooks with the faux leather look of its Galaxy Note 3 phones and tablets appear to be entirely accurate, as the company has just officially announced two new models, complete with that same trim.
The Chromebook 2 line consists of an 11.6-inch and a 13.3-inch model. To fill in that bigger screen real estate, the 13.3-inch version also has full HD resolution (1,920x1,080) whereas the smaller notebook has a resolution of 1,366x768. They feature similar specs otherwise, including 4GB of RAM, 16GB of solid-state storage, and Samsung's own Exynos 5 Octa processor. (The 13.3-inch Chromebook 2 gets a 2.1GHz CPU, whereas the 11.6-inch model includes a 1.9GHz version.)
Another difference is in that exterior cladding. The smaller laptop will be available in either white or black, while the 13.3-inch unit will come in gray. As you can see in the photo above, the case includes a stitched texture that resembles leather. Samsung also hopes to differentiate its latest family from the increasing number of Chromebooks through its bundled software, which includes Wunderlist Pro and Air Droid Premium. The latter assists you in interacting and transferring files with your Android smartphone.
As with other Chromebooks, Samsung's new Chromebook 2 systems are affordably priced to appeal to students and the education market in general. When they arrive in May, the 11.6-inch flavor will cost $319.99 and the 13.3-inch version will be priced at $399.99.
~ Sean Portnoy

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