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Linux' Linus calls Apple's file system 'complete and utter crap,' worse than Windows

Summary: Some days, it’s just not fair. You know you’re going to post something that’s going to have the fanboys heads spinning. True journalistic integrity requires you light a flame and watch it burn.

Linus’ image courtesy ZDNet Japan.
 Some days, it’s just not fair. You know you’re going to post something that’s going to have the fanboys heads spinning, you don’t want to hurt their precious necks, but true journalistic integrity requires you light a flame and watch it burn.

This is one of those days. Apparently, Linus Torvalds, creator of Linux, just gave a speech Down Under. In it, he compared Linux with Windows and OS X. The phrase you’re all going to enjoy is this one:
“I don’t think they’re equally flawed - I think Leopard is a much better system,” he said. “(But) OS X in some ways is actually worse than Windows to program for. Their file system is complete and utter crap, which is scary.”
Thanks to the Sydney Morning Herald for the story.

Update: The curse of links sometimes gets you. I found this off a “breaking news” link from Google News just now, but didn’t bother to notice the actual article was from 2008. So, well, rather than deleting the story, let’s just say how far we’ve all come and try not to fight. Sorry, folks. Sometimes the links catch us, too! Egg. Face. Yum.

Go forth. TalkBack. Try not to hurt each other.

~ David Gewirtz


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